Price Promise

Feel confident booking with Great Little Breaks

Our Price Promise to You

You can always feel confident when you book with Great Little Breaks whether it's online or through our call centre. If you find the same packaged deal, with the same inclusions/commercial terms and the same ABTA protection cheaper elsewhere within 24 hours of making your booking with us, we will refund you the difference and give you a £25 great little gift voucher towards your next booking.

We negotiate highly competitive prices for all of our deals, with a dedicated team regularly checking them against other offers in the marketplace. If we find a better price being offered for the same packaged deal, sold with the same inclusions/commercial terms and with the same ABTA protection we'll pro-actively work with our suppliers to revise pricing.

We don't expect you to find a lower price - but if you do, let us know within 24 hours of making your booking, and we'll match the price and refund the difference. The refund will be completed within 7-10 working days after you've made your price promise claim.

The Detail

All claims must be made within 24 hours of confirming your booking and is available on new package bookings only. You must ensure that you send proof of price/s, i.e. send a screenshot of the same package deal page where the price is shown has identical inclusions with the same date and duration including the same commercial/payment terms. You must be purchasing the deal over the internet in GBP.

  1. The person who made the booking (lead name) must make the claim
  2. As above, we must be able to confirm that all details of the competitor booking are the same as your Great Little Breaks booking
  3. The price must be able to be booked online, available immediately and not on a request basis
  4. The price promise cannot be part of a discounted price, i.e. via a voucher or loyalty scheme
  5. The price must be available in GBP
  6. Our Price Promise applies to individual bookings and does not apply to group bookings
  7. It must be an exact match to claim

Can't find what you're looking for?

Contact us on any of the methods below and one of our team members will be happy to help you.

Contact numbers

General enquiries

+44 (0)1905 792801

Existing bookings

+44 (0)1905 792818

Why Choose Great Little Breaks?

Five Star Rating
Over 14,000 reviews


ABTA Bonded


Price Promise


GLB Approved

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